2020年6月30日 星期二

Endometrial Receptivity: Is It an Actionable Function to Improve the Reproductive Process?

這是由亞培Abbott Webinar提供的 #APAC_IVF_Online_Masterclass 線上討論會,討論 #內膜接受度 #EndometrialReceptivity 的最新進展及其預測價值,他山之石,可以攻錯,值得一讀。
#題目:Endometrial Receptivity: Is It an Actionable Function to Improve the Reproductive Process?
#講師:Dr Somjate Manipalviratn , Medical Director, Jetanin Institute of Assisted Reproduction, Bangkok, Thailand.
Defining the receptive WOI will help improve IVF success on the endometrial factor, reducing embryo wastage.
Transcriptomic signature of ER is the most objective and accurate to diagnosing WOI.
Dydrogesterone stimulates PIBF production which improves immune homeostasis in the uterus.


