2020年6月30日 星期二

Endometrial Receptivity: Is It an Actionable Function to Improve the Reproductive Process?

這是由亞培Abbott Webinar提供的 #APAC_IVF_Online_Masterclass 線上討論會,討論 #內膜接受度 #EndometrialReceptivity 的最新進展及其預測價值,他山之石,可以攻錯,值得一讀。
#題目:Endometrial Receptivity: Is It an Actionable Function to Improve the Reproductive Process?
#講師:Dr Somjate Manipalviratn , Medical Director, Jetanin Institute of Assisted Reproduction, Bangkok, Thailand.
Defining the receptive WOI will help improve IVF success on the endometrial factor, reducing embryo wastage.
Transcriptomic signature of ER is the most objective and accurate to diagnosing WOI.
Dydrogesterone stimulates PIBF production which improves immune homeostasis in the uterus.



Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
花費五年時間,歷經11次手術與麻醉(巧囊與肌瘤手術*2、取卵手術*2、子宮鏡*2、闌尾切除*1、麻醉植入*2、剖腹生產*2),終於在2019年11月完成這幅圓滿的 #好 拼圖!

2020年6月26日 星期五

生養眾多 遍滿地面 治理這地

#生養眾多 #遍滿地面 #治理這地
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it. ...創世記 1:28

但是隨著生殖醫學的進步,目前可由手術開刀取得精蟲,進行單一精蟲顯微注射(ICSI, 第二代試管嬰兒),達成生育的目的!
臉書連結: https://is.gd/MFNLb0
#感謝同意分享圖文 #還有三個凍胚 #Azoospermia #CBAVD #MESA #ICSI #IVF #FET #Twins #Taiwan_IVF_Group #艾微芙國際生殖醫學中心 #台灣 #竹北

2020年6月25日 星期四

What Is Real-World Evidence And Why Do We Need It?

這是由Merck Fertility Team提供的 #ESHRE2020 會前會 #Meet_The_Expert_Series 中第一場線上會議,在目前COVID-19疫情緊張,無法出國開會的情境下,可以稍稍化解遺憾!
#題目:What Is Real-World Evidence And Why Do We Need It?
#講師:Prof. Alberto Revelli, S. Anna Hospital, University of Torino, Italy.
日期:2020/06/25 3:00PM - 3:45PM
The current trends in ART point clearly toward the better definition of efficacy and the personalization of treatment protocols.
RCTs are still a fundamental source of evidence, but have relevant limitations, that are not overcome by grouping them into a meta-analysis.
RWE comes from a huge number of observations obtained in the routine clinical activity, without any kind of patient selection or compelling rules to be followed in the procedures.
Quantity and quality of data (patients, cycles) are important to determine the value of RWE.
RCTs and RWE may complement each other by providing scientific evidence that applies to clinical daily practice.
As an example of its application, RWE shows how the r-hFSH:r-hLH 2:1 formulation is usually prescribed to older, poor prognosis patients undergoing IVF.
Despite this unfavorable selection, it finally obtains a delivery rate comparable to that of better prognosis patients receiving r-hFSH alone, and in patients >35 is associated with an OR for delivery of 1.53.

2020年6月23日 星期二

Choosing the OS protocol: hCG helps modelling nature

天然提煉的尚好,老藥未必不如新藥,2020年6月22日的The IBSA Educational Program提供的Webinar,介紹由 #Meriofert 這個由孕婦尿液純化而來的hMG,雖然有點老王賣瓜,但仍能提供臨床醫師的用藥另類參考!

Choosing the OS protocol: hCG helps modelling nature

Speaker: Dominique de Ziegler, MD
Moderator: Pedro Barri, MD
22nd June 6pm CEST
1. LH in the menstrual and OS cycles
2. LH effects: LH vs hCG
3. hMG Vs rFSH Pregnancy: Live birth and cumulative live birth rates, number of oocytes
4. Placental hCG and pituitary hCG: More oocyte, less medication
5. Patients profiles suitable for treatment with Meriofert
●hCG increases serum and intrafollicular androgens
●hMG induces more oestrogens and less progesterone production compared to recFSH
●hMG results in significantly higher live birth rates than rFSH
●Meriofert is an highly purified hMG preparation containing 75 IU of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) activity and 75 IU of LH activity.
●The LH activity is given prevalently by hCG from urine of pregnant women.
●The suppression of LH levels in GnRH analogue cycles may be substantial and of clinical importance.
●hCG driven LH activity modulates folliculogenesis & steroidogenesis towards a more homogenous follicular cohort and a more androgenic follicular milleau.
●hCG driven LH activity appears to have a beneficial effect on embryo quality.
●The effect of hCG driven LH activity is interpreted into a significant effect on clinical outcomes with higher live birth rates as compared with rFSH
●However studies using hCG driven LH activity from menopausal pituatiry hCG resulted in significant lower oocytes retrieved as compared with rFSH.
●The use of placental hCG appears to be substantially different, in terms of purity isoform acidity.
●This diffrerence is intrepreted in clinical outcomes with a comparable beneficial effect on oocyte/embryo quality with pituitary menopausal hCG , but with higher efficacy profile in terms of number of oocytes retrieved and cumulative LBR.
●Placental hCG allow us deliver the effect of hCG-driven LH activity without compromise in the number of oocytes retrieved.
●The number of oocytes retrieved is strictly associated with cumulative LBR


A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones .
其實上帝會計算妳的每一滴眼淚,會記念妳因 #信心 所做的工夫,因 #愛心 所受的勞苦,因 #盼望 所存的忍耐。

2020年6月21日 星期日

Optimizing Endometrial Preparation for Frozen Embryo Transfer

#解凍植入 由於可以提供較佳的胚胎與內膜同步性,所以採用比率日益上昇,The IVF Worldwide在2020年6月11日提供了一段精彩的Webinar,由Nalini Kaul-Mahajan這位印度大師主講,討論各種內膜準備方案的優缺點,內容眾多,資料豐富,如同一場資訊爆炸 (Information explosion)!
Optimizing Endometrial Preparation for Frozen Embryo Transfer
2020年6月11日 Dr. #NaliniKaulMahajan
All protocols for endometrial preparation yield similar reproductive outcome.
#NaturalCycle:可能有較佳的內膜接受度Endometrial Receptivity,較少的妊娠高血壓PIH與產後出血PPH。
#ArtificialCycle:回診監控次數較少,規劃週期較為方便,可能影響著床窗期,妊娠高血壓PIH、產後出血PPH、 過期分娩postterm birth與胎兒體重過重macrosomia機率較高. (AJOG, August 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2019.03.010 )
The optimal form of progesterone supplementation has not established.
E2 levels in late follicular phase not helpful.
Patients' preference, convenience and costs should be considered when choosing type of Protocol and LPS.