2020年5月24日 星期日

SARG 2020 Virtual Program May 23, 2020

第二屆生殖與遺傳醫學高峰會SARG (2nd International Summit on Assisted Reproduction and Genetics),從台灣時間5/23週六下午四時起,經由IVF Worldwide Online Congress提供連續11小時免費線上參與,能夠無須長途飛行,不用刷卡簽到簽退,無需繳交高昂會費,可以隨性穿著,沒有繁文縟節的社交應酬下,就能輕鬆愜意與會,無壓力地學習新知,這種因應新冠病毒而發展出來會議模式,的確讓人受惠良多!
會議共有八個區段,包括:Opening session、To scratch or not to scratch: a never-ending story、Cesarean Section defect (isthmocele, or uterine niche): Pathophysiology, diagnosis, repair and infertility consequences、Our understanding of endometriosis and reproductive medicine、Science and clinical perspective、Genetic aspects of Reproductive medicine、Innovation in the field of Reproductive Medicine (Science and Practice)與Closing Session,講師都是赫赫有名的大師與職人,提供專業知識與創新科技的分享。
●Opening session
Are aged oocytes the reason that the ovary does not benefit from the “Longevity dividend”?
Gerald Schatten, USA
Longevity of the ovary, stem cells, germ cells, and longevity in general
Sherman Silber, USA

Fertility preservation for cancer patients- current status and future directions
Dror Meirow, Israel
●To scratch or not to scratch: a never-ending story
Moderator: Ariel Weissman, Israel
Endometrial Biopsy: Historical Background and Mechanism of Action
Nava Dekel, Israel
We should continue doing the procedure under specific indications
Martha Dirnfeld, Israel
Scratching the “scratching case”
Carlos Simon, USA
Practice vs science: results of a survey done by IVF-Worldwide
Zeev Shoham, Israel
●Cesarean Section defect (isthmocele, or uterine niche): Pathophysiology, diagnosis, repair and infertility consequences
Moderator : Oliver Donnez, Belgium
The pathophysiology of the cesarean scar defects
Atilio Di Spiezio, Italy
The ultrasound diagnosis of a cesarean scar defects
Judith Huirne, The Netherlands
The surgical way to solve the cesarean scar defects
Oliver Donnez, Belgium
●Our understanding of endometriosis and reproductive medicine
Endometrioma and ovarian reserve: Ethiopathogenesis and management
Ceana Nezhat, USA
Cancer Arising from Endometriosis: What fertility specialists should know?
Farr Nezhat, USA

Medical treatment of endometriosis
Mark Hornstein, USA
●Science and clinical perspective
Creating a crossroad between science and the laboratory in IVF
Denny Sakkas, USA
The challenging and reward in clinical reproductive research
Robert Casper, Canada
How do you know that your IVF program is good?
Michael Alper, USA
●Genetic aspects of Reproductive medicine
The genetics of fertilization failures: from diagnosis to treatment
Rita Vassena, Spain

PGT-A: inclusion and exclusion criteria
Joe-Leigh Simpson, USA

Non-invasive PGT-A: is this the future or an illusion?
Carlos Simon, Spain

Cancer prevention through ART
Avner Hershlag, USA
●Innovation in the field of Reproductive Medicine (Science and Practice)
Engineering a Bioprosthetic Ovary with 3D Printing
Monica Laronda, USA

Allogeneic uterus transplantation: A Novel reproductive transplant
Rebecca Flyckt, USA

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the IVF Lab: What Will the Future Hold?
Marcus Meseguer, Spain
Manipulating primordial follicle activation in vitro
Evelyn Telfer, United Kingdom
●Closing Session
Oocyte retrieval for IVM: laboratory aspects
Daniela Nogueira, France
Egg donation - fresh or frozen - exclusive or Shared
Tomer Singer, USA

How do we explain dramatic declines in live births after IVF?
Norbert Gleicher, USA


